• Crime Analytics

Consolidating Police Technology Systems

Law enforcement requires maintenance of multiple records which in turn requires their own management systems.

Some of the record systems that are already present include record management systems, jail systems, parole systems, etc. Missing out on even a small strand of information in the process of looking at data across all the systems can be a setback for the investigation.


Considering any number of police technology features, building a consolidated system becomes the heart of any investigation platform. For a foolproof and effective investigation, it is crucial that you get all the data across all management systems.


The first step toward building a consolidated system for police technology would be to gather all the data together. Often, we may find that all values are not the same way across all the platforms. For example, let’s consider gender. The value for this may be entered as either X/Y in certain systems or Male/Female in some others. In short, the data elements may lack uniformity across all systems, but for each data system to understand each other, it is important that all the data elements are standardized.


The next step would be data verification. Although an ongoing process it is crucial that all the data is verified. For instance, when at a bank we give out correct details that exactly match our id proofs. but for Criminal data, when an officer questions a person/suspect for personal information, in some cases they end up receiving incorrect data. Multiple systems may contain multiple information pertaining to the same person. It’s crucial to verify the data to avoid challenges during an investigation. Basically, having the data, consolidating it, and constantly making sure it’s verified and put together is a crucial part of an investigation.


Lastly, we must set up a tool to sync with our form of data. Once set up, it can be used for mining the data, searching it, and can also be made use for collaborative investigation across agencies. In addition to that, since we have all the data together, it can be used for analyzing the data or for analytics purposes.


In the last few years, that’s how BEAGLE has been doing it, we have been helping several agencies get all the data together, set up the process, and make sure to clean the data. And this has been done across pretty much any product standards available in the market. In addition to maintaining a consolidated system, BEAGLE offers a wide range of features such as Smart Search (image, text, and voice search), Link analysis, Heat maps, social media integration, mobile integration, and much more!


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