Transforming Crime Data into Investigative Leads

MARCH 24, 2021

10:30 AM PST


BEAGLE Crime Analytics Dashboard - WATI

Combating law enforcement challenges?
BEAGLE can help.

BEAGLE Crime Analytics Platform is a unique platform that helps law enforcement agencies consolidate, collaborate and analyze crime data. BEAGLE has three distinct and integrated solutions that help officers discover new insights, provide intelligence, and aid in operations.

Key Takeaways
  • How to effectively search crime data. 
  • Collaboration across the department for nurturing leads.
  • Leveraging geo-location and predictive policing.


With BEAGLE Crime Analytics Platform, overcome your law enforcement challenges and discover new ways to effectively coordinate crime data and maintain public safety. 


This is an amazing opportunity for Crime Analysts, Detectives, Field Officers, and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Join us for a 60 min webinar

KRISHNA CHINTALAPATHI Criminal Justice Solutions Specialist - WATI
About the Speaker


Criminal Justice Solutions Specialist 

Krishna has successfully executed several large-scale enterprise programs running into multi-million dollars working with several Justice organizations including the California Department of Justice, Department of Defense, LA County Sheriff, Contra Costa County Sheriff, Alameda County, Shasta County Superior Court.

Krishna truly fills the role of “Trusted Adviser” with his exceptional understanding of technology and deep commitment to service, with many customers reaping long-term benefits from the solutions that he recommends. Krishna provides vision, management, knowledge and strategy to ensure that law enforcement agencies remain on technology’s cutting edge.


Criminal Justice Data Integration and Analytics

Local government law enforcement agencies have tight budgets and limited resources, but data is mounting from numerous sources at an increased pace. It is challenging for law enforcement agencies to effectively coordinate information and maintain public safety. Quickly visualize mass amounts of data, in new ways, to better understand crime and take action to solve it.

BEAGLE Crime Analytics: Save Time on Research - WATI

Save time on Research

BEAGLE Crime Analytics: Single Data Platform - WATI

Single platform for data

BEAGLE Analytics: Voice and Image Search - WATI

Voice and Image search

What Beagle Can do

BEAGLE combines data from all sources across California criminal justice systems to provide a comprehensive view. 


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Join us for a 60 min webinar